Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sink or Float

Pumpkin week has been SO much fun... both for me and my little cookies!

Today the kiddos had a blast during "Pumpkin Science."  I purchased a medium sized pie pumpkin for the class to use and I let all of the students hold it to see how heavy it was.  I then asked them to predict whether the pumpkin would sink or float in a tub of water.  All but two of the students said it would sink... either because it was heavy or because it was big.  Needless to say, they were amazed when TAH-DAH!  The pumpkin FLOATED!  I asked them why it floated and they said that maybe it wasn't heavy enough to sink, but that was quickly debunked when I showed them how a tiny yellow crayon sunk straight to the bottom.  The experiment blew their first grade minds!  It's nice to really wow your students with something so simple :)

They were so curious!  I have a classroom full of mini-scientists :)

This week has also been "Red Ribbon" Week... meaning that we have been participating in school wide activities to promote anti-drug/alcohol use.  Each day has had a different theme.  Today was "sock it to drugs" day.  We were encouraged to wear crazy or mismatched socks to show our anti-drug  stance.  Even I wore some knee high argyle socks!  One of my kiddos really went all out with his socks though... it was picture worthy :)


I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Mrs. Cook

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